Thursday, December 6, 2012

Loving London

I am your typical college student in that when I am doing homework, I spend half of my time going through my open Facebook page and Twitter feed.
This afternoon I was doing just that and saw that one of my friends shared a page on Facebook called Loving London (link below). I checked it out and I'm still reeling from everything I read and saw there.
It is a page created by a young woman who is giving birth to her son, London tomorrow, December 7, and he is also going to die tomorrow. On the page she shares their story--how she wasn't expected to get pregnant but did, and it was part way through her pregnancy that their son, still in the womb, was diagnosed with Anencephaly, which is fatal. In reading their story, I was amazingly touched at what she had to say--it reminded me of exactly the reasons why I am pro-life. She couldn't bring herself to terminate her pregnancy because even if her son does not live very long once he is born, he is living now inside her womb. He is growing, moving, and kicking even as she prepares for his death by filling out certificates and various things like that.
I have no children, I'm not married, and I have never been pregnant, so I absolutely cannot even begin to imagine the strength that these parents have to prepare for a young son's life, knowing that it may only last a couple of hours, or maybe even less. The love abounds on that Facebook page, and it brought me to tears.

It was just an amazing little (actually, it was pretty big) nudge at my heart. I've been going through quite a bit of difficult things lately and I've been so stressed and overwhelmed with all kinds of things, but this was a miraculous reminder that life is such a blessing, no matter what you face, or how long it lasts. Life is a miracle in itself, and we should have more of an awareness of that--we are all just walking and talking miracles, no matter how long we are here on earth.And just like the Facebook page Loving London, our lives abound with love and blessings from God, no matter what form they take. And London's life will be no different-it is and will be a miracle that is obviously already blessing people from all sorts of different places and locations, including his parents.

I don't even personally know these people, but their story has touched my heart so much that I have to share it with others. And I ask that you, like me, will pray for them tomorrow as London is delivered and takes his first and last breaths more than likely in a matter of hours. It is apparent that they are strong and courageous people just by being willing to share their story in the hopes that it will bless others, but they will need even more strength and comfort tomorrow, no matter how much they have prepared in the previous months.

Please take the time to look at this page, share some words of encouragement and prayers.

I hope it blesses you as much as it has me.

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