Monday, November 26, 2012

It's that time of year when the world falls in love..

"Frosted windowpanes, candles gleaming inside.
 Painted candy canes on the tree.
 Santa's on his way, he's filled his sleigh with things,
 Things for you and for me.
 It's that time of year when the world falls in love.
 Every song you hear seems to say,
'Merry Christmas, may your New Years dreams come true.'
 And this song of mine in three quarter time
 Wishes you and yours the same thing too.

 It's that time of year when the world falls in love.
 Every song you hear seems to say,
'Merry Christmas, may your New Years dreams come true.'
 And this song of mine in three quarter time
 Wishes you and yours the same thing too."

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Marriage and Ministry

So, I recently, by means of a similar subject, was directed to read an article someone wrote on the failure of a marriage of John Wesley, which made some pretty bold assertions, to say the least.
John Wesley was a Methodist minister who has gone down in history for his passionate preaching and evangelism with other people. However, it is definitely true that he did not have the best of marriages.
I know that it wouldn't be that uncommon for people to make the assertion or declaration that if a minister has a troubled or not ideal home life (like Wesley) then he should not be in a place of power or influence within the ministry. And honestly, I feel like that is a pretty bold statement to make.
And the number one problem that I have with that article (which you can find here: Sacrificing Your Marriage on the Altar of your Job: Examining John Wesley's Train Wreck of a Marriage) is that by the time you get to the last couple of paragraphs, the author is making the dangerous assertion (whether it was intentional or not) that the "ministry" of marriage comes before the ministry in the church.
The article even says, "Know this-If you are a minister of the Gospel, your marriage is your first ministry. If you fail at this first one, your second ministry is tainted."

I feel like that really put the nail in the coffin, so to speak, as to my disagreeing with the article as a whole. Because I don't think that statement is necessarily true. I think that the Bible shows that marriage is of equal importance with your ministry in the church. I agree that it is true that the Bible makes it clear the church leaders need to have upstanding character, especially within their home lives, but the truth is that there are only a select number of people who are specially called by God to actually preach within His house. That's a pretty special calling, and it becomes a way of life. And every pastor I have ever known is a workaholic, to say the least. And every pastor's wife I have ever known has had to accept the fact that their husband's work within the Lord's house comes as a first. That doesn't mean that their marriage is not important, but they gain an understanding of the hierarchy of God before all else. The truth is that God has to be number one in our personal lives, and then that should effect all the other facets of our lives, from our jobs to our marriages and other relationships, etc. And I did not see that statement anywhere within the article.
Yes, it can be said that John Wesley should not have entered into his marriage without establishing some common ground with his wife first. But it can and should be said that Molly Wesley should not have considered entering into marriage with John unless she had a good understanding that a minister's work is never done and it's God's work, and that definitely makes a difference in a marriage. There was also no mention of that within the article.

And there was no credit given to John Wesley that, despite all of the problems his marriage faced and the fact that his wife was abusive, he never even tried to divorce her. No matter his reasons for staying married to her, the fact of the matter is that he did, and that's a pretty big deal, especially nowadays when people seem to get divorced at the drop of a hat. If ever there was a marriage that appears to have had Irreconcilable Differences, it was the Wesley's. And yet, Wesley chose not to act on those irreconcilable differences.

I also think that, to make the statement that Wesley should not have held such influence in the ministerial position that he had because of his personal problems, is to, in a way, discount all of the good influence he had and the wonderful progress he did make for God's kingdom. Because to make that assertion is like saying that God cannot bring someone forth from the difficulty of their home life, help them learn from their problems, issues, and mistakes, and help use that to minister to others. Because God CAN do that. I've even seen it. The most important thing is that the person in question is right with God within his own heart.

Now, I am a child of divorce. So I don't sympathize or empathize with people who get divorced, because the Bible is pretty clear that divorce is not the way to go about your marital problems, but I do understand divorce and the reasoning behind it. Whereas sometimes, I think it is safe to say that it is much more difficult for someone who comes from a wholesome family where marital problems are not on general display, to understand or objectively look at the other side.

I by no means wish to bash the author of the article on John Wesley's marriage. This article is more for my own musings in an "agree-to-disagree" sort of way. But I just feel like they were making some pretty bold statements and not really giving proper representation to all of the facts. Bottom line--I agree that you can't properly minister if you can't keep your home life in order. But so often ministry comes first, so that's why people called to the ministry need to marry someone who can reconcile that, so as to better solve their problems when the time comes. Because being a minister's wife is just as much of a calling as being a minister.

Monday, November 19, 2012



I am officially on Thanksgiving break!
That makes me majorly excited for various reasons.
It makes me excited that it means I get a break from classes for the next several days, and it makes me equally excited that I am officially done with the Fall of '48 campaign, so I can rest up and organize my schedule for A Very Vintage Christmas.
It makes me outrageously excited because it means that I can officially start celebrating and decorating for Christmas on Saturday, and it's common knowledge that I get a little nutty over Christmas, because we all know that I am basically a Christmas elf who got switched and sent into the muggle world at birth...that's how that works, right?
And finally, it makes me excited that Thanksgiving itself is on Thursday, which means I get a lot of wonderful and tasty food, and I get to spend quality time with my friends and family. And speaking of Thanksgiving, which makes me think of things to be thankful for...I haven't done the whole Thanksgiving/Things I Am Thankful For countdown on Facebook like most of my friends have, but I have been thinking about all of the things I am blessed with, and there are so many of them.
I'm so blessed to have my family, my second family, my friends, and everyone else who bends over backwards to help me when I need it, whether I just need a good laugh, or I am really in trouble. I'm also pretty lucky to have teachers, counselors and other new friends on campus who care about my well being. And I'm equally thankful for my church family, because they are just as important as my actual family--you can't get through life without spiritual support from those around you, and I have been beyond blessed to find peace with my church family over the last year, in the church that I was raised in and that my grandpa preached in. And the number one thing I am thankful for is God, and the fact that He cares for me and has a plan of salvation for me, and the fact that every single day I wake up to His grace all around me. I think it is pretty safe to say that I feel like I have quite a bit to be thankful for this year.

Anyways, now that I've typed up a post so sappy that most of you probably won't get through a full paragraph, I'll be signing off, wishing you a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Forget it.

I'm so glad to know that our friendship apparently didn't mean as much as I thought it did.
I mean, don't get me wrong, it's dead depressing, but at least now I know where you stand.
I don't know about you, but whenever I chose to get the word "Promise" permanently etched onto my body, that meant a lot to me. And I would've assumed it meant a lot to you as well, because why would you do it if it didn't mean anything at all?
And it's still fresh in my memory that less than a month ago, when I was already starting to feel slightly excluded and outnumbered, one of you promised me that you would never treat me like that because you know how it feels to be at the other end. Well, guess what you're doing now?You're just joining in and everything you all do (or don't do, really) makes me feel outnumbered, unwanted, friendless, and depressed.
I really don't know what happened. I can't read your minds, so if you don't tell me that there's a problem then I don't know what it is. But I would have thought that after living together for over a year now, at least two of you would know that I care about you and consider you some of my best friends, and that I would never intentionally do something to hurt you. I would think that you would know by now that I'm not that kind of person, and that I'm not the kind of person that throws temper tantrums on a regular basis, which should show you that I'm feeling really hurt. And yet either you can't see that or else you just don't care. Because I'd say it's pretty obvious how much this is hurting me and how confusing I find it. Yet you can sit in the same room, less than 5 feet away from me, and you can completely ignore my tears and pretend like I'm not even there.
So, here's to our friendship...
Except really it would probably make more sense to say here's to insincerity, dishonesty, selfishness, pain and hurt.
I know that this song isn't necessarily about friendship, but it still describes what I'm feeling pretty perfectly, because I do love you guys..I thought we had a more sincere friendship than this. But forget it. If you don't want it then I'm not going to force it on you. So, I guess if you decide you do still want to be friends or at least want to tell me why this is happening, then you know where to find me. But in the meantime, so long.

Monday, November 5, 2012

An unwanted apology

I'm sorry for whatever it is that I said or did to make you shun me like you do.
I'm sorry that I tried to be a good friend but apparently I wasn't good enough.
My bad for thinking that everything was okay.
I'm sorry that I'm non-confrontational,so I'd rather just let you be since it appears that you don't want me around anymore.
I'm sorry that I can't read your mind so I don't know what it is that I have supposedly done.
I'm sorry if you just feel like I'm not the same person anymore, but to be honest, I could say the same about you.
I'm sorry that I don't understand what's going on, so I therefore don't feel like I have done anything wrong.
I wish things could go back to normal. And maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like the ball is in your court, so to speak. Like I said, I'm fairly non-confrontational, and I don't want to say the wrong thing so that things get even worse around here, so I'll just standby and hope that you can see that I don't know what it is that I did, but I am sorry that things ever got this bad. I'm tired of living in this little box with unspoken words between us, feeling outnumbered and unwanted.
And I'm sorry if you should happen to read this (though you probably won't) and it upsets you.
Because none of this was ever my intention at all.
I'm sorry.

Oh,how I want to be free..

"I want to break free.
 I want to break free.
 I want to break free from your lies,
 You're so self-satisfied, I don't need you.
 I've got to break free.
 God knows, God knows I want to break free.
 I've fallen in love.
 I've fallen in love for the first time,
 This time I know it's for real.
 I've fallen in love.
 God knows, God knows I've fallen in love.
 It's strange but it's true,
 I can't get over the way you love me like you do.
 But I have to be sure when I walk out the door.
 Oh, how I want to be free, baby.
 Oh, how I want to be free.
 Oh, how I want to break free.
 But life still goes on.
 I can't get used to livin' without you by my side.
 I don't want to live alone.
 God knows I've got to make it on my own.
 So baby, can't you see I've got to break free?
 I've got to break free.
 I want to break free."

Friday, November 2, 2012

Blast from the past

The other day I was trying to transfer some files from my phone to my computadora, so I took the memory card out of my phone and put it into my computer and you would not believe all the old pictures and videos from high school that I found on there. And there is no rhyme or reason to any of it either. Some of the stuff is from Jr/Sr ("prom" for all intents and purposes), some of it is from my senior class trip, some of it is from my friends graduation the year before mine, and some of it is completely random.
But it is all just too good to pass up, so here are some of my favorites.
Laughing Myself Silly